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“Personal style is not something that is just in the air. It is something you have and that you apply to yourself.” – Paloma Picasso



[dropcap]F[/dropcap]inding my personal style is the first step I made in creating my first ever own version of a perfect shopping list about a year ago. I must admit, at first it was a struggle and a disaster! I browsed through fashion magazines, taking in all these rules and shoulds.  And where did this take my closet? It was full of every woman should have. And oh boy, I was so damned proud of myself!

Fashion is what you buy. Style is what you do with it.

Fashion says “me,too”. Style says “me only”.

Fast forward a month later, my closet was then full of rarely or never worn pieces. Again, I found myself with nothing to wear.  I was back to basic. And so I realized, I bought these pieces just for the sake of owning them- the every woman should have. I had confused fashion and style.




I asked the same question over and over again after my closet went through that identity crisis. This time, instead of paying attention to fashion magazines’ rules, I have myself focused on getting inspiration from style blogs and other related resources.

And here’s what these blogs had brought to my senses: Style is who and what I am. It goes beyond the clothes I wear. It’s my individual choice unique to how I want to express myself and be seen.

By learning these, I got to know myself more, accepted myself with all honesty and style happened to me.


personal style

Similar Items: White Shirt / Boyfriend Shorts / Sneakers / Tote Bag / Sunglasses / Fedora Hat / Belt




1. It helped boost my confidence.

You might be wondering why I put up too much of a fuss with my personal style. Let me tell you something, imagine  yourself wearing something only because you feel that you have to. A lot of people may show the best interests with the clothes you’re wearing, but it doesn’t follow that this look is good for you.  And because this is not your true clothing personality you may feel uncomfortable. Remember, you cannot hide discomfort, it will put on a show whether you like it or not thus leading you to an unflattering look.

I learned that great style goes far beyond making an impression to the people around me. It’s about owning the outfit I’m wearing with confidence. By that, I let myself shine. But, how do I own something that is not mine? My point exactly!


personal style

Similar Items: White Shirt / Boyfriend Shorts / Sneakers / Tote Bag / Sunglasses / Fedora Hat / Belt


2. It narrowed down my clothing choices.

Having no idea what style you’re aiming for will make dressing up a struggle. I’ve been there not just once, but so many times that I ended up not going to where I was supposed to. That happened to me not only on ordinary days, but even on my wedding day! That sucks!

You see, having a defined one makes deciding on what to wear a lot easier for me now a days. I have a clutter-free closet full of “this is so me” items versus “the every woman should have” items I had before. Therefore, whatever life throws at me, be it a client meeting, a day in the park or a romantic dinner with my husband, my closet can easily adapt while still giving me the style I own.


3. It saved me lotsa lotsa time and money!

Not only did finding my personal style helped me feel great about myself but, it also helped perfect my shopping lists! It helped me figure out what I really wanted and needed and so, I stopped wasting valuable time running around in circles trying to get someone else’s look.  I also avoided buying clothing items that don’t work for me and my lifestyle. Therefore, more money and more time to spend for the things that matter the most!

Believe it or not, having your own personal style can make a whole lot of difference in keeping your life clutter-free and making your most casual outfit stands out.


Here are some inspirational quotes:

personal style

personal style

personal style

personal style

personal style


personal style


Have you struggled finding your personal style? Any tips you’d like to share? Please share below!

**Disclosure: Actions you take from the hyperlinks within this blog post may bring in commissions for this site. All products are used not for recommendation but for inspiration only.

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personal style

Hi, Alma here! Join me as I get my shopping list off the ground so that I can live a a clutter-free life I’ve always wanted. Do you want it, too? Sign up to get my latest posts delivered straight to your inbox. Plus, you’ll get instant access to all free stuff I’ll be giving away! Yay!

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